Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Book of Learning and Forgetting...

According to the author, a very well-educated man, taking the time to develop positive relationships and foregoing the mindless tasks of making a 'kid' memorize material, complete lengthy worksheets, working on tasks unrelated to the subject area that assist the students in 'unremembering' (forgetting) will no doubt assist any and all educators in becoming more efficient. Our old-style of teaching must give way to a paradigm shift of offering the material to our students. Too much of what is done currently in most schools is designed around; keeping strict control of classes, giving students busy work to keep those 'hands and minds' from wondering and of course giving students lengthy assessments that are infrequently returned to them so they can learn from their mistakes. Assessments should be on-going in an environment where the teacher knows the students by name, inquires about many of their outside and extracurricular activities and takes a genuine interest in the overall achievement as students and human beings. What if all teachers attempted a more positve approach. What do you have to lose, except those 100+ question worksheets, scantron tests and no gum-chewing in my class while you are staying on the task I want you to follow>?!

Great book that could guide teachers to more success in the classroom coupled with fewer discipline problems. Something everyone hopefully wishes to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, the following is a link to our book discussion on "The Book of Learning & Forgetting." http://www.slideshare.net/JPerino/the-book-of-learning-forgetting-disucssion
